Lisel Blash

The town council are using our children and families as pawns to promote their political agendas.

Blash opposes moving a problematic homeless encampment, disregarding West Marin Little League and endangering their players. Prioritizing federal housing over residents’ concerns—despite the encampment leader’s history of suing towns. Lisel has shamelessly aligned herself with the so-called “Homeless Union” and the radical agitator Robbie Powelson, who is actively working against our town by supporting a lawsuit against it. As if that weren’t bad enough, she has absurdly elevated Jason Sarris - a former meth addict - as a key advisor and supposed “expert” on the homeless encampment, proving just how reckless and out of touch her leadership truly is.

Both Blash and Hellman have enabled this homeless encampment, to thrive next to parks where our children play. Our children have been exposed to hard drugs, inappropriate language, violent rhetoric, and have been harassed by violent drug addicts living in the town.

She continues to vote in accordance with her former employer, the Marin Environmental Housing Collaborative.  She is pushing a 7-story high-density housing development consisting mostly of market rate housing in downtown Fairfax, increasing the risk of a death trap scenario for residents during wildfires, floods or earthquakes.

Lisel Blash relentlessly pushes her personal political agenda onto Fairfax, using town matters as a vehicle for her extreme ideologies. From affordable housing, rent control, to homeless activism. She prioritizes virtue signaling over practical governance. Worse yet, she wastes taxpayer dollars turning Fairfax into a battleground for divisive and controversial crusades, putting her personal beliefs above the real needs and wishes of the community.

Click here for a timeline of the homeless encampment.

Before the Takeover

Is this where we want our Kids to Play?